Sunday, November 11, 2007

Veterans Day, November 11, 2007

The American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial
A Worthy and Lasting Tribute

They share a dedication to freedom—a unifying spirit that, for generations, has defined America, home of the brave. They are the valiant soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen of our nation's armed forces. They are our American veterans.

Throughout our nation's history, these service men and women have gone bravely into battle, risking their lives and livelihoods, sacrificing their safety to defend America. And when their duty is done, many return home to life as it was. Sadly, for veterans seriously injured in the line of duty, leaving the battlefield does not mark the end of conflict. These permanently disabled soldiers often carry home life-altering disabilities—stern reminders of the price of freedom.

America's disabled veterans have honored us with their service and selfless duty. It is now our turn to honor them.

Transcending conflicts, service branches and generations, the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial will express America's lasting gratitude to the men and women whose lives were forever changed in service to our country.

For the first time in our nation's history, we will build a tribute to some of America's most courageous heroes—our disabled veterans. The American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial will celebrate these men and women who may be broken in body—but never in spirit.

And as these veterans face a life for which no one can prepare, so must their families and friends. This Memorial will also honor veterans' loved ones and caregivers—individuals whose heroic devotion is a source of strength for those striving to heal.