At the Multi-Cultural Independent Living Center of Boston, Inc., experienced staff work with people with disabilities of all ages from inner-city Boston neighborhoods and the Greater Boston region. They strive to empower our consumers by providing critical information that enhances their ability to live independently and function productively within their households and their communities. The Multi-Cultural Independent Living Center of Boston, Inc. promotes self-pride, independent decision making, self determination, equal access and self-help.
What can the Multi-Cultural Independent Living Center of Boston, Inc. do for YOU?
- The MILC of Boston, Inc. provides information and referral services to disabled people and their families.
- Programs offered by the MILC empower people with disabilities to not only avoid institutionalization but to live, work and participate in their communities to the best of their ability.
- MILC informs disabled people on the services and opportunities available to them, teaches independent living skills, and offers the support systems which allow a person to achieve self-sufficiency.
For more information, contact:
Multi-Cultural Independent Living Center of Boston, Inc.
22 Beechwood Street, Dorchester, MA 02121
Phone: 617-288-9431
Fax: 617-265-2597
TDD: 617-288-2707