Building bridges from hospital dependency to personal independence through recreational and sports therapy.
Organization Profile:
WSRA's primary objective is to introduce people with spinal cord injuries or other similarly disabling conditions to a stimulating recreational environment as soon as possible after hospitalization or primary rehabilitation, and to involve them in life sports and recreation - individually, through WSRA or through other organizations.
WRSA provides counselors to work one-on-one for individuals. Counsellors and staff are available for organizations. WRSA sponsors exhibition games and events.
WSRA provides:
Annual wheelchair sports events among able-bodied and disabled teams and individuals to further mutual support and understanding. Fundraising events to support both the direct activities of WSRA and similar programs of qualified tax exempt organizations.
WSRA is an exempt organization under Section 501 {c}{3} of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to WSRA are tax deductible. For more info contact Kenny Mumford at www.wheelchairsportsandrecreation.com.