Each year, thousands of rehabilitation providers and health and human services agencies join together during the third week in September to celebrate the powers of rehabilitation and share the message that through rehab there is hope, achievement and success. More than 6,500 rehab facilities and health and human services care providers have participated in this event since 2000.
Sponsored by the National Rehabilitation Awareness Foundation, the Celebration focuses the nation's attention on capabilities rather than disabilities; and increases awareness of the tremendous power and impact of rehabilitation.
Rehab Facts And Information:
- Rehabilitation is a medical specialty which helps restore people affected by potentially disabling disease or traumatic injury to good health and functional, productive lives.
- Rehabilitation often centers on a interdisciplinary team approach to care by physiatrists (physicians specializing in rehabilitation); physical, occupational, respiratory and recreational therapists; speech and language pathologists; nurses, psychologists, vocational counselors and others. The rehab team helps individuals to accomplish normal tasks of daily living.
- Nearly 50 million Americans are disabled. Disability does not discriminate - every person is at risk of disability. Therefore, everyone is a potential candidate for rehabilitation. Most Americans will require at least one rehabilitation service at some point in their lives.
- Rehabilitation is an integral part of healthcare and a tremendous component in providing patients with positive outcomes. It is individualized so every patient can progress at his or her own ability level. It can lengthen life, improve the quality of life and reduce subsequent illness.
- Statistics show that medical rehabilitation improves lives and saves money. For every $1 spent on rehab care, it is estimated that $11 are saved on long-term disability costs. People participating in rehabilitation programs of care are able to regain productivity and return to work, school and independent living.
- Independence gained or retained through rehabilitation is priceless!

The National Rehabilitation Awareness Foundation was established by Allied Services in 1996. Its mission is to educate people about the benefits and impact of rehabilitation; develop programs which aim to increase opportunities for the nearly 50 million Americans with disabilities, and help those who are disabled live up to their fullest potential through rehabilitation. The not- for- profit foundation is headquartered in Scranton, Pa.