Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, "Most people go to their graves with their music still inside them."
Guided through the movie by Richard Pimentel's (Ron Livingston) acerbic sense of humor, we see a world that through other eyes would appear devastatingly tragic. Instead, Richard uses it to fuel his plight for the underdog.
Unable to pursue his dream of studying public speaking in college, Richard enrolls in the government's 'guaranteed education program' called 'military service' in Vietnam. After 9 months in country, Richard loses his hearing in the Vietnam War.
But when the world tells him he can't, he figures out how. Through a new circle of friends, including a foul-mouthed genius with cerebral palsy, Richard finds his "music within," and sets out to change peoples' perceptions toward the disabled community. He ultimately becomes a hero as one of the primary activists behind the Americans with Disabilities Act.
In discovering his music, Richard helped improve the lives of disabled people across the world, including his own.
Director: Steven Sawalich
Writers: Mark Andrew Olson, Bret McKinney, Kelly Kennemer
Genre: Drama
Starring: Ron Livingston, Melissa George, Rebecca DeMornay
Producer: Steven Sawalich
Distributor: MGM
Rating: R
Release Date: October 26, 2007