Join me tommorrow, Saturday, September 15, on East Broadway in South Boston! I will be participating in the annual South Boston Street Festival, located between "L" Streets and "I" Streets from 11-4.
I will be sitting at the South Boston Arts Association table to 'meet & greet' people as Ms. Wheelchair Massachusetts 2007. I plan to spread the word about all the wonderful accomplishments of people with disabilities and I will also be giving away free autographed pictures.

The Festival is bigger than ever - nonstop entertainment on two stages, displays and exhibits of all kinds, lots of activities for the whole family, and an anticipated 15,000 visitors.
Each year since the Millennium Year of 2000, The South Boston Chamber of Commerce has thrown this gala Street Festival. This year’s Festival will feature over 150 vendors, exhibitors, and non-profit agencies from South Boston. Visitors come to our Festival from all over the City. It’s a blast.
Also, my husband will be selling his photography to benefit the Ms Wheelchair Massachusetts program. Come check out some great pics of South Boston!
See you there...