The Falmouth Chamber of Commerce invites you to experience “Falmouth Holidays-by-the-Sea 2007”, a celebration of our larger global community that features a variety of activities for the entire family. This season-long celebration begins in mid-November and continues through New Year’s Day with family events, concerts, children’s activities, and seasonal merriment taking place throughout Falmouth-Cape Cod, a quintessential New England coastal community. A highlight of “Falmouth Holidays-by-the-Sea 2007” is the weekend of Friday, November 30th to Sunday, December 2nd during which dozens of family events are featured including:
- FRIDAY - 5:30PM: Caroling at historic Nobska Lighthouse. Enjoy hot cocoa & cookies while overlooking beautiful Vineyard Sound
- SATURDAY - 8:00AM - 10:00PM: Christmas Parade Pancake Breakfast & Raffle, a fundraiser for Sunday's parade, features a variety of costumed characters, face painting, raffle prizes and much more!
- SATURDAY - 9:30AM-12:00PM: Nobska Lighthouse Public Viewing, Woods Hole. Santa arrives at Noontime to pass out candy canes.
- SATURDAY - 10:00AM to 4:00PM: The Holidays at Highfield. Explore the decorated rooms of the Highfield Hall mansion, listen to holiday music, and enjoy the winter art show.
- SATURDAY - 10:00AM or 12:30PM: 16th Annual "Decorate Your Own Gingerbread House": Reserved Seatings at10:00am or 12:30pm. ShoreWay Acres Inn, Shore Street in Falmouth Village. Call for reservations: (800) 352-7100
- SATURDAY - 11:00AM: Seafaring Santa arrives at Falmouth Harbor (behind Flying Bridge Restaurant) with the Falmouth High School Chorale to visit with families and pass out candy canes.
- SATURDAY - 6:30PM: Santa and Parade Characters proceed from Peg Noonan Park to the Village Green.
- SATURDAY - 7:00PM: Annual Lighting of the Village Green featuring a traditional holiday carol-sing with music provided by the Falmouth Brass Choir.
- SUNDAY - 12 noon: 44th Annual Falmouth Christmas Parade - featuring Ms Wheelchair Massachusetts!
- SUNDAY - 10:00AM to 4:00PM: Holidays at Highfield. Explore the decorated rooms of the Highfield Hall mansion, listen to holiday music, and enjoy the winter art show.
- SUNDAY - 12:00PM TO 4:00PM: Holiday Market & Gift Gallery at Falmouth Artists Guild on Main Street.
- SUNDAY - 1:00PM to 4:00PM: Falmouth Museums on the Green Holiday Open House. View the 1790 Julia Wood House beautifully decorated for Christmas by the Falmouth Garden Club. Palmer Avenue
For more information, call 508-548-8500 or email info@falmouthchamber.com Visit the website at: http://www.falmouthchamber.com/ or CLICK HERE to see a complete schedule of events and activities being held throughout Falmouth and beyond.