Today I had the opportunity to appear at Raytheon as a guest speaker during their program honoring "National Employment Awareness for People with Disabilities Month." The program was sponsored by the Raytheon Women's Network and the Raytheon Persons with Disabilities Association. Approximately 50 people attended, including senior managers and Human Resources representatives.
Shifting the focus to employment, I told the audience about my new position with Hire Disability Solutions (HDS), as Editor of their e-magazine Solutions. HDS is in the process of opening a number of temporary emploment agencies to assist in negating employment barriers that keep disabled people out of the job market.
National unemployment rates for people with disabilities hover at approximately 65%. Many disabled people in this category are ready, willing, and able to go to work, but they have yet to find suitable, sustainable jobs. Initatives such as these (HDS temporary employment agencies specifically for the disabled, and Raytheon's corporate awareness programs) provide excellent opportunities to expand diversity.